Imagine the Possibilities

As New Year's Day approached and then quickly passed, I pondered the typical rationale of a resolution to achieve one or more specific goals for the year and made a decision to take a different approach.

res-o-lu-tion [rez-uh-loo-sh uh n] a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.

Every week, I will challenge myself to do one or more of the following:

- Explore a 'new place'. Places can be anything from a new restuarant to a new spot for a photo-shot, or a new city, state or country.

- Meet 'new people' and make 'new friends'. People are what, I mean who, make the world go round. What makes them tick? What can I learn from them, and how can our friendship enrich both of our lives?

- Try, join or start a 'new activity'. Activities can be anything from trying your hand at a new physical sport, volunteering, joining a club or creating a website. The possibilities are endless.

- Learn 'something new'. Go deeper into topics you are already know or broader with new topics to expand your horizons.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week Thirteen 2014

This will make one month of reviving this blog. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can do it! Another busy week gone by..... most of it self-inflicted - but I wouldn't have it any other way. A day here and there of rest is good, but as Voltaire said, "Shun idleness. It is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals." 

I am so fortunate to work for a wonderful company, The Home Depot, that values associates as one of the most important assets. In a time where many companies are cutting back, THD shares it success with associates. Something that was really fun this week was having a drum line perform during the Managers Meeting. I felt like I was back in the bleachers at a stadium watching my son Chris march with the Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corp. It’s Good to be Orange!

I’ve shared a great read, A Brilliant Disguise by Mary AnneEdwards, with you a couple of weeks ago and am proud to say that I am now an official member of her Street Team! Imagine my surprise when a little bag of goodies arrived on my doorstep. What makes it even more fun is that each of the items represents a small detail in the book. The small booklet is the first chapter of her book.  My goal is to find a recipient for the booklet, one of which I already gave to Susie at my favorite local shoppe…..

Saturday found me a bit shaggy, so it was time to visit the best hairdresser in all of Marietta and surrounding areas. Debbie at Hair by theSquare can do pretty much whatever she wishes with my hair and I know that it will always come out great. If you are looking for a hairdresser that listens to you and will make you the most beautiful person you can be, give her a call. You’ll be glad you did! (You can check out my great 'do' in the pix at the bottom. 

After I left Hair by the Square, I made a short drive over to my favorite local shoppe that I mentioned above. Limelight is your one stop shop when you need a unique gift for that special occasion, or if you just want to treat yourself. We just love Elvis, and even have an Elvis bust on our upright piano, so when I saw the coffee mug and post it notes, I knew they were coming home with me to give to Robert. The mug even changes color/photo when hot coffee (decaf of course) is in it. Limelight is on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter so you can get a quick glimpse of their selection. Stop by and tell Susie and Tori that Sheri says hey!

I also heard about a new shop on the Square, The Local Exchange. What a delightful array of antiques, gift items, toiletries, wine, prints by a local photographer, groceries and….. Doggie biscuits! A young girl and boy played checkers at the table, while their Dad lounged on the couch. I’m sure that Mom was meandering around the store checking all of the goods and wares for sale. Another reason for you to visit the Marietta Square.

Now, Saturday wouldn’t be complete without a bit of Junkin’, so I checked out Value Village and found this old chalkware Fish that must have, at one time in the 50’s, belonged to a school of fish hung on a wall. He will make his way to Margaritaville really soon to swim with the others.

And a new discovery for me……2NDandCharles….. Now here’s a store that Robert would be totally lost in. Row after row of vinyl, both new and vintage placed amongst movies, CDs, video games, books and comic books. You can buy and sell all of the above, as well as take a walk through the glass doors into a Starbucks! Now that’s downright kewl! I spied this Beatles book for Robert and he was simply delighted.

God’s Not Dead! Wow! This movie was 5 stars in my book. I am a Christian and believe on faith, but I have to tell you that this movie will make non-Christians reconsider their position.  I highly recommend this movie, and hope that you will take the time to go see it.

Whew…. almost finished. Let’s take a drive up to Jasper on a sunny, breezy afternoon to Rocco’s Spring Festival! Kona (our band), shared the stage with Eric Rhinehart, Men in Blues and ShuffleJunkies, making it a wonderful afternoon of great music. The staff at Rocco’s is top notch, and the chili was voted the best in Georgia. We met great folks like Patrick of the Red HareBrewery and Mary of, as well as catching up Bubbaman (Rocco’s Security), Ava (DJ at local station WYYZ) and our Ohana (Hawaiian for family/friends) who definitely got their kona-tude on! Roger of the ShuffleJunkies even caught me in action (a rare find indeed) You can check out more photos here.   

I’m exhausted, how about you? Remember what Voltaire said about idleness?
A quick recap:

New Place – check! The Local Exchange on the Marietta Square
New People – check! Eric Rhinehart (solo acoustic artist), Patrick (Red Hare Brewery) and Mary ( You’ll want to follow these up and comers!
New Activity – check! Becoming a member of Mary Anne Edward’s Street Team!
Learn Something New – check! The movie God’s Not Dead is chock full of new information that I never knew!

Favorite pix of the week – Robert – I just love this man!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week Twelve 2014

Whirlwind is an appropriate word to describe this past week. Even though I created this blog to share all things ‘New’ in our lives, the routine, ‘old’ things are just too kewl not to mention.
As you may (or may not) know, I’ve been with the Big Orange for many years now and am still in awe of working for such a fabulous company. One of the monthly reminders of this is Franks Forum, a live internal broadcast in which Frank (our CEO for those who don’t already know) celebrates the successes of our associates. Typically 19 associates and a representative leader join Frank for a day’s tour of the Store Support Center and meetings with business partners that support their business function, culminating with Franks Forum. Behind the scenes are volunteers taking calls from associates at the stores, waiting their turn to talk to Frank….. After a few years of answering the phone, I’ve moved up to Twitter duty! LOL! Yes, we display tweets on the screen from the stores giving shout outs to their fellow co-workers who are fortunate enough to attend in person. All in all, this is a fun way to ‘Give Back’ and to Tweet kudos to those on #FranksForum.
It’s a small world after all, it’s a small, small world….. If you’ve ever visited Disney, you’ve had this earworm at least once or twice. It’s ironic when we find just how small out world actually is. After Franks Forum this past week, I met one of the associates, an assistant manager from the northwest who actually hails from Kona, Hawaii…. and knows the Kona Hotel….Yes, that song was going through my head as I shared my connection to Kona (the band, the town, the hotel) through Robert (or as he is known by most, Kenui).

The weather has been a bit unpredictable, but Thursday evening was nice enough for Kona to host the Open Mic on the patio at New York Pizza Exchange. Now, I would be telling a story if I said that it was perfect all evening, as it did get quite chilly. We met new musicians, as well as hung out with our old friends. In the music community, we are all Ohana (Hawaiian for family), encouraging one another to share their talents and stretch themselves to reach their personal goals. I also get to play around with my photography. Recently I purchased a remote and a Wi-Fi accessory for my camera (Nikon for those who are just dying to know, LOL!). I had a blast taking the two photos below on my camera, (one using the remote and both using the Wi-Fi) Don’t you just love technology?!

We made it to Friday and decided to treat ourselves to dinner on the Marietta Square at Taqueria Tsunami. Again, a bit chilly – but it was going to be over an hour wait, so we bundled up and sat at a table on the sidewalk. Great service, great food, hot coffee and time with myDarlin’….. a perfect evening!
On the way home, I see that there’s a new app ‘Bands in Town’ on my phone. Robert evidently knew about it because he downloaded it. Reading through the list of local and well known bands, I come across Crosby, Stillsand Nash – playing at The Fabulous Fox Saturday. 3/22.  So, where do you think Saturday night found us? Buying two of the last six tickets for the show, all the way in the very back row. I have to tell you, there is not a bad seat in the house. Robert was ecstatic…. The last time he saw CSN was in ’74 in Hawaii.  One would have thought that with all of the baby boomers there, that there would be more tie dye….. (No worries, Robert represented!)

A totally new experience was going to WYYZ, a local radio station in Jasper, Georgia for Robert (Kona Music), Roger (ShuffleJunkies) and Ian (Men in Blues) to be interviewed by Ava, DJ extraordinaire. All three bands will be playing at Rocco’s Pub ‘Spring Festival’ on Sunday, March 30th from 1:00 til 8:00pm. As we pulled up, Ava greeted us at the door of a quaint house cleverly set up as a studio. Stepping inside was akin to stepping back in time with the old upright piano adorned with vintage radios. Owls adorned the brightly painted walls (even though they’re all the rage today – these were originals), and vinyl albums reminds us of our former record collections. It is such a treat to know that local business supports each other, as well as great local music! If you’re in the Jasper area on Sunday, 3/30 – come on out to join us!

Sunday’s church service was enlightening. Every service unearths yet one more nugget and brings us closer to glory. Afternoon car hunting with Becca, then our DIL Angela’s birthday dinner at Thaicoon Restaurant & Sushi Bar on the Marietta Square were the perfect finishing touches to the week.
As I gaze over to Robert, I whisper a word of thanks to the Almighty One as I know that he has blessed us beyond measure.
A weekly recap….
  • New Place – check! Thaicoon  Restaurant & Sushi Bar (fabulous food)
  • New People – check! Mehau (Mee-How) from Kona
  • New Activity – check! Radio interview with Ava at WYYZ
  • Learn Something new – check! Using the remote/Wi-Fi on Nikon
  • Favorite pix of the week – Vintage radios at WYYZ in Jasper!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week Eleven 2014

A Rainy Night in Georgia….
It’s Sunday night, and a rainy one at that…. Rain – God’s gift of life. Rain – millions of droplets creating a falling from the sky into our lives, bringing with them the desire to sleep, to rest. And once we wake from that blessed sleep, we will see new signs of life in the rainbow stretching across the sky, the bud on the tree, the bird pulling a worm from the ground….
This past week was filled with adventures, cleverly disguised as ordinary life.  Funny how that works isn’t it? As many of you know, Robert had a major life changing event on March 4, 2013 when he had an arterial dissection, otherwise known as a heart attack. Our friends and family, all ‘Ohana’ (Hawaiian for family) to us, went out of their way to do kind things for us such as provide meals. This past Tuesday we were able to pay it forward as Robert prepared four full meals for a friend who recently suffered a stroke. We must always remember to ‘pay it forward’ whenever possible. You never know the impact it has on others.
Wednesday found me at a Women in Focus (WIF) meeting at the LumiereGallery to hear Tony give a talk about Wynn Bullock (1902-1975). Wynn was an extraordinary photographer, who explored light in an abstract way during the 60’s. When you see his work, it may seem familiar as artists are able to create these types of images digitally today. The amazing fact is that he was creating his images in the studio with light, glass, water and various other mediums. Afterwards, the women gathered around the counter Tony brought out a box of loose Vivian Maier photographs, each one more incredible than the previous one. If you have never heard of Vivian, check out this link to learn more about her life. Two of the things that really stick out about her is that in addition to being a phenomenal street photographer, she regularly took self portraits and journaled about her experiences. If she was living today, we would say she blogged and took selfies.
Part of belonging to a club or an interest group is the feeling of community. Prior to every WIF meeting a few of us get together to catch up and grab a bit to eat. This month, it would up just being Kelly and me. I arrived early and took the time to venture into Richards Variety Store. Walking into this store is like taking a step back in time to a Five and Dime, with the vintage toys, candies, hardware and fun books.  At 3 minutes till the closing time of 6:00pm, the manager walked through the store declaring loudly, we’re closed. LOL! Who needs a PA system? Pay for your stuff and leave, we’ll be here tomorrow. I promptly obeyed his directions and took my Barrel of Monkeys, Anne Taintor magnet and bacon flavored toothpicks to the register to pay before leaving to meet Kelly for a wonderful dinner.
So have you ever participated in a pie contest? Well, it just so happened that Friday was Pi Day and I was asked to be a judge for the Pie contest at work. Now that’s a first! Really? How could I resist? Peanut Butter Cream Pie (sweet) and Italian Meat Pie (savory) were the winners hands-down!
Ever tried bison? Friday night came quickly, and found us at Ted’s Montana Grill. It’s actually quite tasty. In fact, I highly recommend the meatloaf!
Read a good book, ahem….the Good Book lately? The Son of God is a must see movie for all. Watching it was very interesting as we already know the story, but seeing it come to life on the big screen was very moving especially with Easter so close.  If you get a chance, this one is a must see! It could change your life forever.
OK – the weekend is here and you know what that means…. Junkin’! Normally my son Mike would be along for the ride, but he was having his own yard sale. I checked out Mostly Mutts Flea Market on Sandy Plains, and found a couple of neat items. Framed art of a geisha girl with Kanji (who knows what it actually says…), a hand-painted wooden parrot and a hand-made, woven, textile bead necklace from Argentina (still with original tag for $98 – purchased for $6) were amongst my finds. On to Mike’s yard sale, and to hang out with the grandkids. Grandson Nathan, who by the way is the reigning USA boxer & Jr. Golden Glove Champ (for his age/weight), showed off his skills with his Dad for a couple of people who stopped by to check out the yard sale. All the while, Elijah hung out with his friend laughing and jumping on the trampoline.  Love spending time with the family.
Watching live music with myDarlin’ (when Kona isn’t playing - Check them out on FB) is always the perfect way to spend a Saturday evening.  Alex Guthrie Music is new to us, but two of our friends are members – so it feels like home.  Counting myself, there were four serious photographers shooting the band. Now that is a musician’s dream to have lots of great shots to choose from. I like to think that I set myself apart from the others by not using flash and working to capture the perfect shot that lets the viewer ‘hear’ the music.

Sunday evening Open Jam with friends at The Locals was a great way to catch up with friends we hadn’t seen in a few months and a good way for me to play with the new (to me) vintage manual lenses I recently won in an online auction. I just also downloaded the Adobe Creative Cloud in order to update my Photoshop 5 and Lightroom 4 to the next versions. Now, on to learning the new enhancements/features – which should prove to be a lot of fun processing pix of the kids, boxing and musicians.

And a perfect way to top off the weekend? Praising our God at the Marietta Vineyard Church. The praise and worship is amazing and Pastor Ron a fabulous teacher. (He’s got a great role model…J) Children dance about during the praise and worship, bringing joy to all. It is always so refreshing to listen to the children’s prayers before they are dismissed to Children’s Church.
               “Dear God, Thank you for the vegetables you give us to eat and help the poor people. Amen.
A quick recap of the week:
  • Explore new place – Richards Variety Store – check!
  • Meet new people – Alex Guthrie Music – check!
  • Try new activity  – Judging Pie Contest  – check!
  • Learn something new – Adobe Creative Cloud enhancements – check!
….. Favorite Picture of the Week

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week Ten 2014

Wow! Where does the time go? For reasons I can't explain (not that I don't want to), I have neglected keeping this blog up to date. I do maintain my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter accounts, but have several family members that choose not to participate in social media vehicles which require them to sign up for an account. Ironically, I am picking this up in week 10, which would have been the next post.... in 2011. I won't bore you with all of the details of the past three years, but suffice it to say a lot has happened.

The week has flown by, the same as it seems to every week making it that much more important to remember to slow down and savor every moment. Both Robert and I were a bit under the weather during the week, as was the 'actual weather'. Luckily Robert, I and the weather rebounded this weekend and took some time to enjoy the gifts of Mother Nature.

I found myself trying a new activity this week, and found that much like riding a bike, one doesn't forget how to read... LOL! Seriously, I do so much of it at work that my recreational reading is photography tutorials. (Which, by the way, I thoroughly enjoy) As it turns out, a friend of ours just published murder mystery novel, Brilliant Disguise, which I acquired an autographed copy of at her book signing last weekend. One chapter the first evening, then a couple more the next until by the third evening I couldn't put it down until I finished it. OK, Mary Anne Edwards, you have me anxiously awaiting the next in the series.... Another first for me, writing a review on Amazon. You should really check this one out, I think you'll like it!

Networking is so important to both our professional and personal lives, and even though I think that I do a decent job at it, I know I could and should do more. I did meet a wonderful lady at one of our Lunch n' Learn events at work and chatted briefly before the panel discussion began. I was so flattered when she tracked me down with just my first name, the fact that I work in the Learning Department and have been at THD for 27+ years. I am looking forward to getting to know Janece better and learning from her too. There are no chance encounters.

Friday is always a happy day, a time to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor. We chose to stay in and enjoy Hawaii in the ATL. Hmmmm..... sounds pretty far-fetched, huh? Well, Robert picked up lunch from one of our favorite lunch stops, Ronnie John's Beach CafĂ© for dinner. Chicken Katsu and rice, with a side of mac salad. Yum! We settled in that evening to watch Elvis's Blue Hawaii, with Robert giving me a personal 'director's cut' about the actors, venues and beaches in the movie. After that, we watched the latest episode of Hawaii 50. A virtual Hawaii tour right from the ATL with my very favorite Hawaiian ever!

I mentioned that I love to read and watch photography tutorials, and was quite delighted when I received an email from Katrina Kennedy, founder of Capture Your 365 about an all day long free seminar on a variety of topics. I joined on and off during the morning/afternoon as I cleaned around the house, ran errands and went junkin' by signing on with my iPhone/using earphones. Some of my favorite topics were Phone Photography Tips, Tricks, Apps & More, Photo Composition for Real Life, The Art of Everyday and the CY365 Scavenger Hunt. The scavenger hunt included 6 topics and ~ 20 minutes to complete, and upload with the hashtag #CY365party to their website, FB page or Instagram. Here's one of mine which included 'something green' and 'hands'. If you've ever wanted to embark on a 365 day photo project, try out this site for inspiration, learning and a supportive community.

An action packed Saturday evening included dinner at Michael and Angela's place (son/DIL) with his boxing friends and students who were gathered to watch the Angulo vs. Canelo match. (More to come about a new adventure for Lugo Boxing in future posts). I would be remiss if I didn't mention that our grandson Nathan is the current US Silver Gloves Champion for his weight group. (Yep, he's really that good....) From there, we went to a new venue, Locals, to see our friends 'Loose Shoes' play, and finished the evening watching Power Plant (starring Lefty Williams) play at Abbey Road. It was great to see and listen to friends we hadn't seen in a few months.

God's sunlight shining through the draperies in our bedroom gave us a glimplse of the glorious Sunday ahead of us. Even though we lost an hour of time, we gain so much every day here on Gods' big blue & green beach ball. We started our day off with a fabulous service at Marietta Vineyard Church praising our Lord, and learning about the Jewish celebration of Purim.  You can check out Marietta Vineyard Church on their website, as well as watch the services on UStream. We'd love to have you join us!

The day was so wonderful, I convinced Robert to spend it at the park.  So this afternoon, we explored the East Cobb Park (OK, maybe not the first time, but it was the first time this year...) and had a BYOS (Bring Your Own Sandwich) picnic. We hung out with Chelle and Becca, Lilly took a swim and I shot some photos before heading over to Brewsters for a well deserved ice cream. (It was Chelle and Becca's first time!)

So, a quick recap:
- Explore new place - check
- Meet new people - check
- Try new activity - check
- Learn something new - check

..... My Favorite Picture of the Week is proof that Spring is on it's way!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week Nine 2011

Just when we thought that fresh new Spring was here to stay, and that old man Winter has gone away - we were greeted by brisk winds and thunderstorms with occiasional tornado sirens filling the air. But yet, the trees have begun to blossom with the promise of warmer weather around the corner.

Amazing how something old, can be new again. When asked to write a quick article about Kids Workshops for an internal newsletter, I realized that even though two of our grandsons have lived here for over a year I haven't taken them to experience this fun activity. So, here's  'My Favorite Picture of the Week', taken at the local Home Depot where our daughter also works.

So, what you ask is new this past week?

  • A new series of First Friday Art Walks at the Marietta Square began on Friday, March 4th. It was very chilly, really on the verge of 'cold' for us southerners - so the turn out wasn't as good as one may expect.  I began my evening at my favorite shoppe Limelight, where I shopped for a gift for a dear friend and found something that describes her to a t. (no pun intended).  Angela and the boys then joined me for a trip to Lizards & Lollipops where you'll find lots of retro toys at a reasonable price. Elijah had to have the yellow school bus, while Nathan opted for Pop Rocks. And I have to admit that I had a moment of weakness and chose a small 'Gumby and Pokey' for myself. One more shoppe and we would be on our way.... off to Doodlebugz, a quirky little shoppe with lots of fun stuff. I can't tell you yet what I got there as it is for my Darlin' and there's an ever so slight chance that he may read this. Keep in touch with what is going on at The Marietta Square, and remember, 'It's Hip to be Square'.
  • The next stop after The Home Depot this past Saturday was Hair by the Square for a brand new 'do'. I trust Deborah so much that I let her have free reign with my hair style, and I think that she does a fantastic job. This one's really short. She cut off so much hair that I feel light headed - ha-ha! If you ever need a 'new do', stop by Hair by the Square and tell her that Pink sent you. (another story - another day!)
  • I discovered (new to me!) two online newspapers, during this past week as a result of meeting new friends via FB. The Back Street Beat and Bold Spicy News both covered jams/performances by local Atlanta musicians. Always interesting to read what is documented about performances one was present for.   If you're new to the Atlanta area, and are a musician or just someone who appreciates great music - there's plenty to be had. 
This weekend was the first of a new era for Robert and me. Robert had this weekend off, which is the first weekend of the rest of his life off. You see, he has four more days until retiring from his job of over 28 years. Time for a change - rest assured that he, and we will be doing  alot more 'new' things starting in 4-3-2-1 days! 

Until next week - find something, do something NEW!   

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week Eight 2011

Reflecting on the past week as I sit here in the ATL with the doors to Margaritaville wide open, and Christmas lights giving off a soft glow. I know that as soon as I utter the words out loud, that Spring has sprung, a freeze will come in the night to prove me wrong. So I'll just give thanks quietly for the beautiful weather we have been blessed with.

My 'Favorite Photo of the Week' was actually taken last week, but as sometimes happens I am a bit behind in editing. This one was taken at The Marietta Square in Georgia while hanging out with the boys, our grandsons Nathan and Elijah. If you look closely, just to the right of the pole, you'll see my favorite shoppe on the Square, Limelight. Make sure to stop by if you are out and about in Marietta.

So, I took my new book, Still Mostly True by Brian Andreas to work as I mentioned last week and here's what happened....

So what's new?
  • First Friday Art Walk at The Marietta Square - This is a free self-guided tour is creating an art scene renaissance on the Historic Marietta Square. Along with more than 30 merchants hosting artists in their stores, this year's First Friday Art Walk will feature  Artists' Alley: intimate exhibit of juried artists showing wide variety of styles Artist's Alley: located in Dupre's Antique Market,  Artists will also give demonstrations around Square.

    Art Walk maps, which denote what locations are featured and what artists will be spotlighted that evening, are available at each participating merchant, at the Marietta Welcome Center & Visitors Bureau, located near the Square and online. You can choose your own route or start at the Art Walk headquarters tent in Artist's Alley.

    Visit various merchants and Enter a raffle for chance to win $100 gift certificate redeemable at any participating merchant on Square . The Historic Marietta Trolley will run a free shuttle service from 6-8 p.m. to make it easier to get to all the Art Walk stops. Trolley stops: marked by flags around Square, can be found on Art Walk Map

    Parking is available on the Square, in the Mill Street lots, and free parking is available in the Mill Street lots and the Cherokee Street parking deck. First Friday on the Square and the Art Walk will be held rain or shine, and admission to the Art Walk is free. Handicapped parking is available.
    Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming Dates April 1st - May 6th - June 3rd - August 5th -September 2nd - October 7th. There will be no First Friday in July, as Marietta celebrates America's independence in the Park.

    For more information about First Fridays and the First Friday Art Walk, visit To stay informed about everything going on at The Marietta Square, go to The Marietta Wine Market to sign up for their weekly newsletter. Now you all have my secret! This is truly how I stay in touch, and now you can too!
  • Paint in the Pods - First show of the year for Women in Focus at the Sundial Restaurant at the Westin in downtown ATL. Join us on Wednesday evening, March 9th from 7-9pm for the opening. The view is breathtaking from the top of the Westin (73 stories), where you can enjoy the photography of WIF members and complimentary hors d'oeuvres. The show runs through April 30th, so you've got time to check it out if you don't make the opening. I dropped my piece off this afternoon - hope to see you there!
  • I've been learning alot of new photoshop tecniques by checking out the Matt Koslowski  seminar via Peachpit Photo Club. They have a library of past seminars that are 1 hour to 1 1/4 hour long that you can watch for free. Even better you can download these lessons for future viewing at time that is more convenient to you (and when you may not have internet access). I learned about these on one of my very favorite blogs, Weekly Photo Tips. Make sure to check both of these out.
New adventures!
We are 11 days away from a new adventure. Robert has enjoyed his current job, but is anxious to begin a new chapter of his life. We'll start with a visit from Noe & Brayden, then a visit to Savanah the following week. I excited for him.... and me!

Until next week, go out and try something new!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week Seven 2011

Wow! Great week for 'new' and 're-new'!

My 'Favorite Photo of the Week' is of two of my favorite guys, Nathan and Elijah. Now keep in mind that I have several favorite guys, including Robert, my Dad, Brayden, Mike, Chris, Tommy, Sky.... but these two just happen to be accompany me to The Marietta Square today.  Just to set this up, Elijah is always the clown and Nathan is now a self-proclaimed model after he watched a certain episode of the show 'Big Time Rush'.

Wednesday marked new beginnings for one of our favorite venues, Darwin's. If you're not familiar with Darwin's, it's been one of the best Blues Bars here in Marietta/ATL for many years. We were all disheartened when it closed several months ago. There's just something about this hole in the wall that endears so many. A new owner/operator Christopher Robinson has re-opened Darwin's and another of our favorites, Larry Griffith is hosting a Blues Jam every Wednesday beginning at 8pm. (Click here for a peek inside)

I've told you about the 3/50 Project in previous posts, so I'd like to share my fabulous February finds with you. I'm also sharing the 3/50 Project with my favorite local retailers/venues to see if they want to participate to drive more of our residents to shop right here at home in Marietta.

As soon as I picked up the book by Brian Andreas, I remembered the two that I had purchased years ago. Trusting Soul and Strange Dreams. Short little stories or sayings that provoke thought and correlation back to one's own life. I joke with friends that I don't like books with words, but rather pictures and find that my favorite books/authors do just that. The list is short, but the possibilites that are evoked through pictures and the written word are endless.
  • Life is Good - Simple Words from Jake & Rocket - I keep this one on my desk and let my friends choose the page to leave it open to. (also purchased from Limelight at The Marietta Square.)
  • Eat Mangoes Naked and Succulent Wild Woman by Sark - These books look like they're written by a first grade student with colorful markers. Lots of picture drawing and thought provoking exploration of ourselves, pushing the limits to become who we want to be. Check out her website - it is awesome!
  • Still Mostly True - by Brian Andreas - I think I'll take this one to work too!
A couple of new places that I checked out this week, are too exciting not to share with you!
  • Tucci's is an exciting new Consignment Shop of in Kennesaw of eclectic furniture and home decor. They've even got a stop light that I've got my eye on!
  • Then there's Sugar Plum Visions, a shoppe that can create any cake you can imagine. My friend Margret K swears by them! We'll be trying them out soon.
And the biggest new News is that Robert has turned in his resignation and will be embarking on a new life in a couple of short weeks from now. It's time..... A quote from the Still Mostly True book by Brian Andreas sums it up.

most people don't
know there are
angels whose only
job is to make sure
you don't get too
comfortable & fall
asleep & miss your

Until next week my friends....
Go try something new!